Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 46

volume Number : 12
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 46

volume Number 12، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 46

The study of color in the poetry of the 30's to 60's; Based on Four Poets with a Different Intellectual and Poetic Styles (Siavash Kasrai, Sohrab Sepehri, Moshref Azad Tehrani, Forugh Farokhzad)

Eghlima Ansari, Ashraf Chegini(Author in Charge), Alireza Ghujezadeh Ghujezadeh


"Color" is one of the main natural elements that man has an unconscious connection with. Because in all non-verbal communication, color is one of the fastest means of transmitting messages and meanings, artists base their relationship with the audience on this element; therefore, one of the best ways to analyze and recognize a literary work is the use of color.

This research is a descriptive-analytical method to study this element in contemporary poetry.

According to the results of this study, the colors of black, green, red, blue, white and yellow are the most commonly used colors in the poems of all four poets, which are generally used with the characteristics of psychoanalytic science. Black is the most used and popular color in the social - political poetry, and the black narrative of the society with the prevailing potential of frustration and grief. Green, most used and popular color in Sohrab"s mystical poetry is linked with light and holiness; and the most used color in Musdata-href"s social poetry is related to the potential of hope. In Forough"s Romantic poetry, although black is the most used color, but red is an exciting and most popular color, and is generally associated with her feminine emotions and aspirations. all colors are consciously or unconsciously had been used to the poetic or Intellectual style of the poets.

Color Element , Kasrai , Sepehri , Moshref Azad Tehrani , Farokhzad

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